I’m not really exaggerating: that’s how Rotten Tomatoes is describing TERMINATOR: DARK FATE.
I’m not really exaggerating: that’s how Rotten Tomatoes is describing TERMINATOR: DARK FATE.
Wait, TV? You can say the f-word on network TV now? When did THAT happen?
You gotta wonder: is the production itself just in full DGAF mode? “We’re not gonna explain the timelines. We’re not gonna fix continuity. We’re not gonna think about this at all, because the last person who did think about this too hard ended up sneezing his brains out. We’re just all here, trying to figure out what the hell to do right now.”
And that could actually work for them. Besides, it’s nice to see the old folks get roles in an action flick. And don’t they look like they’ve been in the wars, too.
Mayyyyyybe. “During the panel for Terminator: Dark Fate, producer James Cameron did a live stream from the set of the Avatar sequels to talk about the film a little bit. One of the major pieces of news he dropped during this live stream was that Edward Furlong was back to reprise his role as John Connor…”
Continue reading So, is Terminator: Dark Fate really just Terminator 3.1?Or, as @EsotericCD put it: “Terminator 6: So very, very tired.”
Don’t get me wrong; if they Loganed this then Terminator: Dark Fate could very easily not suck. Or am I just being a sucker? I may be just being a sucker. All I know is, I’ve wanted just one more decent movie out of this franchise for a while now, and Linda Hamilton looks the part, at least. So hope springs eternal, what-what?