Well, that would have to be the alternative explanation to what’s apparently happening, which is that the governor’s race is tightening in Virginia again. Cuccinelli/McAuliffe went from 42/48 in August’s Q-Poll to 41/44 now.
The poll indicates McAuliffe, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, at 44% among likely commonwealth voters, with Cuccinelli at 41%. The three point margin for McAuliffe, who lost a bid for the 2009 Democratic gubernatorial nomination, is within the survey’s sampling error.
The new poll suggests that Robert Sarvis, the Libertarian candidate who stands at 7%, could hold a key to the November election.
And that last factoid reminds me of the 2009 governor’s race, actually. Only, the one in NJ. Continue reading Quinnipac predicts unprecedented Libertarian surge in Virginia governor’s race!