#rsrh Strickland paddled while oil… churned?

Although we probably want the Gulf oil slick to churn more, if I’m understanding the experts properly.  Anyway, I believe that the term of art here is ‘oops.’

Though his agency was charged with coordinating the federal response to the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Department of the Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland was in the Grand Canyon with his wife last week participating in activities that included white-water rafting, ABC News has learned.

Other leaders of the Interior Department were focused on the Gulf, joined by other agencies and literally thousands of other employees. But Strickland’s participation in a trip that administration officials insisted was “work-focused” raised eyebrows among other Obama administration officials and even within even his own department, sources told ABC News.

Via AoSHQ, and there’s not much to say further about this specific situation – but it’s stories like this that make me essentially discount the meme that the Democrats are going to avoid a drubbing in November because they’re forewarned about the possibility of disaster.  They were also forewarned that the media will cheerfully focus on any hint that a public figure is dithering during a natural disaster, too – and yet Strickland still went whitewatering.  You see, it’s not enough to know.  You also have to do