#rsrh Barack Obama’s white-bread campaign HQ. *Very* white-bread.

I decided not to be cute about this: after all, rampant hypocrisy typically isn’t.

President Barack Obama’s team is looking to hire more African-Americans, a search that has stirred a debate among black Democrats about Obama’s record on diversity and its implications for his reelection.

“Looking to hire.” Good God. Just hire them, OK?  …And I love how the Politico article tries to make this sort of thing sound hard.  You see, it’s not actually hard to hire a competent staff that fits whatever reasonable criteria you’ve set up, even at very short notice (which this kind of is).  It will simply not be cheap.  But, hey!  The campaign’s rolling in money, right?


Howard Dean… wants the mosque moved.


The audio is here – he’s definitely of the opinion that while the backers of the Ground Zero Mosque have the right to build one on their own property (the mainstream position), they should show some delicacy and consideration for national feelings on the matter and move the mosque somewhere else (which is also the mainstream position). Of course, being Howard Dean he later called the Republicans a bunch of race-baiters, but that’s just Howard Dean being Howard Dean. The man has never recovered from the embarrassment of being Governor of what may be the single most Caucasian state of the Union, so he tends to overcompensate for that whenever possible. I suppose that it’s cheaper than therapy… Continue reading Howard Dean… wants the mosque moved.