Hey, what do you call a six point shift in the partisan identification numbers?

[UPDATE] Hi to Ace of Spades & Hot Air readers.

Republicans Take Small Lead.”

I’m not really criticizing Rasmussen, here: they have to be cautious. And it will almost certainly flip back and forth from last week’s Dem +3 and this week’s Rep +2. Nonetheless… you do have to wonder just how badly we are getting hurt by actually sticking to principles for a change.

Crossposted to RedState.

10 thoughts on “Hey, what do you call a six point shift in the partisan identification numbers?”

  1. What was Rasmussen’s record in 2006/08 vs the others?

    I ask because those were (obviously) good years for Dems, and IIRC, he was calling for good times for the Blue Siders as well. So, the “GOP’s Favorite Pollster” meme put forth by MediaMatters and Kos may be a bit specious.

  2. So, the “GOP’s Favorite Pollster”any meme put forth by MediaMatters and Kos may be a bit specious.


  3. Well, he is “the GOP’s favorite pollster” because he only polls likely voters, a group that is way more Republican than the “Adults” questioned by other polls. Some of the “Adult” polls had Obama +15 before the election and had Kerry winning in ’04.

    You can see the past RvD polls on the right hand sidebar on that link. Yes, it’s a big jump for the GOP.

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