New York Corruption Watch: Name! That! PARTY!

(Via Instapundit) Come on, you’d expect that the NYDN would mention the fact that these guys are all Democrats at least once.

Gov. Paterson: Corruption indictments may change the way state pension fund is run

ALBANY – The bombshell indictment of two top advisors to former state Controller Alan Hevesi is “disturbing” enough to consider changing how the office operates, Gov. Paterson said Friday.

Hank Morris, Hevesi’s top political consultant, and David Loglisci, a former deputy controller for pensions, were charged were charged in a 123-count indictment with steering firms to pension fund business in exchange for tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks.

Paterson said the indictment is “so disturbing in its nature,” the state should consider whether to allow the controller to remain as the sole trustee of the $120 billion pension fund.

If only because we’re notorious for having no sense of humor on the subject these days.

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