You see worse on the Internet every day.
German ‘Venus’ may be oldest yet
A remarkable ivory carving is arguably the oldest sculpture of a human figure yet found, scientists say.
The distorted object, which portrays a woman with huge breasts, big buttocks and exaggerated genitals, is thought to be at least 35,000 years old.
No, wait: they’ve changed the wording from ‘grotesque’ to ‘remarkable’ since Gateway Pundit found the story. Somebody from Oxford must have stopped by and delivered a stern talking-to to the BBC. Probably in Attic Greek*.
Moe Lane
PS: Give me a break. This was my first real primary source for English university life, so a certain attitude towards it has persisted despite further, more sensible, instruction.
Besides, it could be worse. To this day whenever I hear the name ‘Caltech’ I immediately think of this.
*No, not “the kind of Greek you speak while putting stuff in storage.” See, this is why other countries laugh at us for our linguistic skills. Here.