8 thoughts on “My response to Martin Peretz’s ‘Narrative Dissonance,’ in six words.”

  1. They voted for a moderate and a pragmatist. Wasn’t that how Obama positioned himself all throughout the campaign, aided by a willfully indifferent media that wasn’t at all interested in vetting him about his core ideological beliefs? He was a virtual stealth candidate, and if you wanted to know the real Obama, you had to go digging where the media didn’t care to look. So now we have Carter II, Carter I incidentally being the last Democratic presidential candidate Jewish voters seriously doubted, and then only when he was seeking reelection.

  2. I was a lifelong Democrat and not just nominally–seveal terms as precinct delegate, ran for office in a primary, deputy director of a state presidential primary campaign, chaired a state platform committee subcommitte, the whole schmear. I voted for McCain.

    I was hoping I would see reasons to regret that, or that in four years i could cheerfully admit that I’d made a mistake. I see absolutely nothing so far that suggests I will.

    As to Jews and others for whom Israel’s existence and strength is an important issue but nevertheless voted for Obama…this becomes a case of they did not see because they did not want to see.

    and by the way, I’d support Israel even if the Israelis were Vietnamese.

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