6 thoughts on “Just hit Toscana…”

  1. Hmmm… don’t even remember anything odd about that part.

    Still, now you have the fun of renovating the town. Remember, you can fund the prostitutes, but can’t hire any of them!

  2. That’s actually kind of a problem; I typically play online RPGs with a Netural Good alignment, and it’s harder to do it in this game. I actually assassinated a guard today solely because he kept swearing at me and shoving me around when all I wanted to do was to get past him.

    OTOH, I stopped climbing the tower for its treasure because I was actually getting scared of falling to my death – which is pretty impressive when you think of it. This game needs a grapnel gun, though.

  3. So, you’re playing it on a computer, no? Can you run it through a decent sized TV? You wouldn’t believe how genuine the sense of acrophobia can be until you do.

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