Wisconsin GOP Senate fights dirty.

Which they should.

They’ve taken over the approving of time sheets and photocopier requests for staffers of AWOL Wisconsin legislators.  The ballot can be found here; the photocopier restrictions are particularly rigorous, given that the staffers in question will have to go get permission every time they want to make a copy.  Speaking as somebody who has worked in an office that generated a lot of paperwork, that restriction is downright vicious.

But is it petty?  No.  Petty is Democratic state senators literally hiding from their job responsibilities – and risking the jobs of their constituents – because union bosses demand it of them*.  This is merely a sign that said Senators’ colleagues are getting tired of pretending that their hiding is acceptable behavior.  Or particularly mature.

Via @kevinbinversie.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*In 2010, the currently-hiding Wisconsin state senators received roughly one-fifth of their total campaign contributions from union sources.  Explains a lot, doesn’t it?

7 thoughts on “Wisconsin GOP Senate fights dirty.”

  1. Did you know that union dues are tax deductible? And that unions are tax-exempt?

    Oh, and any contributions you or I make to political campaigns are NOT tax deductible.

    Which means that Democrats have created an engine for transforming tax dollars into their own campaign cash, with little overhead and no accountability.

    It’s amazing the Republican party managed to stay around in the face of that, actually.

  2. If you would like an entertaining read on how the 14 Dems are living right now in Illinois, may I suggest the Daily Caller? They have an excellent article on how the Tea Party in Illinois is tracking them and following them around so they have to constantly move around. So Wisconsin is getting them there, and the Tea Party is getting them in Illinois. I love it!

  3. The unions will break soon because these protests are too much like work. They aren’t used to this kind of effort!

  4. Hilarious! Too much fun and I will have to move to Wisconsin just to get a ring side seat.

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