Wisconsin unions start the inevitable, futile lawsuit process on Right-To-Work.

(Via Althouse) Futile because – and this is something that the Badger Herald unaccountably forgot to mention – the courts keep making it clear: right-to-work laws are constitutional.  And the courts will inevitably do so here, as well. Like it or not, the unions are going to have to learn to accept that elections have consequences.  Particularly when you’ve picked the wrong faction. Continue reading Wisconsin unions start the inevitable, futile lawsuit process on Right-To-Work.

Tweet of the Day, Be Prepared For A Lot Of Big Labor #Obamacare Tantrums edition.

Especially from the public sector ones.

Largely because that crowd seems to think that sacrificing is something that other people have to do. Admittedly, for the longest time they had a good bit of empirical evidence on their side…

SEIU takes it on the chin in Michigan.

(H/T: @presjpolk) Background: back during the largely unlamented Granholm administration, Michigan allowed SEIU to ‘organize’ caregivers who were only taking care of adult disabled friends and family members.  And by ‘organize caregivers’ I mean, of course, ‘raid government disability checks for phony union dues.’ It was a great scam, frankly: the money got deducted right from the Medicare or Medicaid check, the ‘members’ affected never got hit up for money directly, and the amounts per paycheck were small enough (this article gives $30/month as one example: it may be, in fact, the high-end) that people didn’t squawk too loudly.  Smart parasites know not to hurt the host too badly.

But then 2011 Rick Snyder became governor, and he promptly started deworming Michigan.  The technique was and is simple (Scott Walker used the same trick in Wisconsin): Snyder simply stopped making the process mandatory, and then waited to see what happened.  And what happened? Continue reading SEIU takes it on the chin in Michigan.

Media Matters staff discovering that their bosses are union-busting hypocrites.

To quote Oscar Wilde, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this:

The apparent decision by executives at Media Matters for America to oppose the unionization of their staff has left employees at the progressive media watchdog feeling stunned and betrayed, according to a statement from pro-union workers.

Media Matters management recently declined to recognize the union through the “card check” process, instead exercising its right to force a union election under National Labor Relations Board oversight. If an employer wants to keep a workplace union-free, the latter route can give it time to delay the proceedings, bring in union-busting consultants and pressure workers to vote down the union.

Continue reading Media Matters staff discovering that their bosses are union-busting hypocrites.

Ooh, I just got reminded: that retiring Rep. George Miller guy? Card-check ‘fanatic.’

‘Fanatic’ in scare quotes because the guy was all hat, no cattle.  Take a look at this clip from 2009:

Amusingly, George Miller couldn’t be bothered to get card check passed when his party had super-majorities in the House and Senate*.  Why?  Because then George Miller couldn’t fund-raise off of card check, of course.

I don’t know how to put this – no, wait, I do: the union leadership sold out their workers to the Democrats, and then they sent over George Miller to tell them that everything was hunky-dory.  And now the Democrats want the unions to feel bad because Miller is retiring. They should be jumping for joy, instead. He never did them no favors.

Moe Lane

*The Democrats spent that political capital on Obamacare, you see.  Which, of course, ended up threatening to hurt the labor movement’s health care coverage plans in new and profound ways.


More pointless union protests in front of Mickey Dees.

Lemme translate the Scotsman’s spokeswoman for you.  To give you the context; the unions are trying to organize fast food restaurant workers again, and having a slow going at it because the only compelling reason that anybody in Big Labor can come up with for unionizing fast food workers is We need the dues, man. So they had a bunch of protests in a bunch of places – or, as Politico rather laughably put it, “Fast food strike takes over 60 cities” – and that’s pretty much how it went.  Nobody’s really expecting any movement:

In the past, such strikes on a smaller scale have forced some fast-food chain stores to close temporarily. But McDonald’s isn’t expressing much concern about the impending event.

“It will be business as usual for us,” Casillas Ofelia[*], a spokeswoman, said in an email. “We respect our employees’ rights to voice their opinions. Employees who participate in these activities and return to work are welcomed back and scheduled to work their regular shifts as usual. … The story promoted by the individuals organizing these events does not provide an accurate picture of what it means to work at McDonald’s.”

Translation: if you want to ‘strike’ on your own time, whatever.  Miss your shift, lose your job.  And why are you calling Corp? Most of our stores are owner-operated. Continue reading More pointless union protests in front of Mickey Dees.

Shocker: Michigan court rules that Michigan legislature can pass right-to-work laws.

Whether or not a non-elected administrative board wishes otherwise.

The Michigan Legislature’s right to create a law that bans mandatory union membership trumps the authority of a state agency that oversees public employment, an appeals court ruled on Thursday.

The state legislature passed the “right to work” law in December amid union protests in Lansing, dealing a stunning blow to organized labor in the state that is home to U.S. automakers and the symbol of industrial labor in the United States.

The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that the legislature had the authority to create the law that makes union fees voluntary because it has the constitutional right to “speak for the people on matters of significant public concern.”

Continue reading Shocker: Michigan court rules that Michigan legislature can pass right-to-work laws.