Ooh, I just got reminded: that retiring Rep. George Miller guy? Card-check ‘fanatic.’

‘Fanatic’ in scare quotes because the guy was all hat, no cattle.  Take a look at this clip from 2009:

Amusingly, George Miller couldn’t be bothered to get card check passed when his party had super-majorities in the House and Senate*.  Why?  Because then George Miller couldn’t fund-raise off of card check, of course.

I don’t know how to put this – no, wait, I do: the union leadership sold out their workers to the Democrats, and then they sent over George Miller to tell them that everything was hunky-dory.  And now the Democrats want the unions to feel bad because Miller is retiring. They should be jumping for joy, instead. He never did them no favors.

Moe Lane

*The Democrats spent that political capital on Obamacare, you see.  Which, of course, ended up threatening to hurt the labor movement’s health care coverage plans in new and profound ways.


Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-NE) betrays Netroots on Card Check.

One hopes that not too many progressives spent their vacation money on grassroots support:

“I cannot support that bill,” Lincoln said, according to one attendee. “Cannot support that bill in its current form. Cannot support and will not support moving it forward in its current form.”

I mean, it’s not their kids’ fault.

Via @seanhackbarth.

Crossposted at RedState.

More details on retail ‘Card Check’ compromise.

The Washington Times is reporting on more details of the possible retail store “Card Check” compromise that Brian Faughnan wrote of yesterday, and the details of this one are definitely more palatable than the proposal presented in the Wall Street Journal. The plan being offered by the retailers preserves more than the secret ballot:

Their compromise would reject the card check method of voting and keep secret-ballot voting as it is now practiced in most instances. The compromise would also eliminate the union-backed provision that would force the settlement of certification disputes through mandatory arbitration.

To assuage the unions, the plan would for the first time permit union organizers to press their cases at work sites and would also prevent long delays before a union certification vote must be held.

…which, as Ed Morrissey notes, is much more likely to pass the Senate than the current version.  In fact, the current version is not likely to pass the Senate at all. Continue reading More details on retail ‘Card Check’ compromise.