Well, Ed Morrissey has always been the reasonable one.
Whenever people ask me whether I will run for public office, I always respond half-jokingly that if I wanted a career in electoral politics, I wouldn’t have spent the last eight-plus years writing down my every thought on politics and policy.
The things that I have written, on the other hand, would cause me to crater so heavily in any political run that it’d probably cause a slight wobble in Earth’s orbit. But I have learned to accept this: as the philosopher said, A man’s got to know his limitations.
Moe Lane
Did you properly squint your eyes & grit your teeth when you typed that? Of COURSE you did. Not sure why I even ask questions like that.
Hmmm . . . this and sick child . . . “every dirty job that comes along . . .”
I’d bet that you’d have as much or more trouble from your days at ObWi than anything else. Too moderate for the primaries.
OT, but look who isn’t running next year!