For free. Here’s Mitt Romney‘s latest strike-while-the-iron-is-hot attack ad “Big Bain Backfire:”
Nice to see that they’re keeping up with events, huh?
Anyway, as a good general rule: if you have a politician from your own side rushing to push back on your new angle of attack, then you may have a problem. If you then have to make that politician explain and retract his earlier statements – in what pretty much everyone else is calling a “hostage video” – then you probably do have a problem. And if you then get another politician from your own side rushing to condemn said hostage video, then you have several problems. And one of those problems is that you have just demonstrated that you have no control over your own Presidential campaign.
You know, when Republicans said that the attack ads against Obama would more or less write themselves… well, we meant it. We just didn’t really think that the Democrats would be so kind as to actually cut the video rebuttals for us, too.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
PS: Transcript:
VOICEOVER: “Have You Had Enough Of President Obama’s Attacks On Free Enterprise?”
VIDEO TEXT: “Have You Had Enough Of President Obama’s Attacks On Free Enterprise?”
VOICEOVER: “His Own Key Supporters Have”
VIDEO TEXT: “His Own Key Supporters Have”
VOICEOVER: “Democrat Mayor Cory Booker Of New Jersey”
VIDEO TEXT: “Democrat Mayor Cory Booker:”
CORY BOOKER: “I have to just say from a very personal level, I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity.”
· CORY BOOKER: “As far as that stuff, I have to just say from a very personal level, I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press, 5/20/12)
VOICEOVER: “Former Congressman Harold Ford Jr., Democrat from Tennessee.”
VIDEO TEXT: “Former Congressman Harold Ford Jr:”
HAROLD FORD JR.: “Private equity is not a bad thing. Matter of fact, private equity is a good thing in many, many instances.”
· HAROLD FORD JR.: “I agree with him. Private equity is not a bad thing. Matter of fact, private equity is a good thing in many, many instances.” (MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” 5/21/12)
VOICEOVER: “Former Obama Economic Adviser and Auto Czar, Steven Rattner, a leading Democrat.”
VIDEO TEXT: “Former Obama Economic Adviser and Auto Czar, Steven Rattner:”
STEVEN RATTNER: “And I don’t think there’s anything Bain Capital did that they need to be embarrassed about.”
· STEVEN RATTNER: “And I don’t think there’s anything Bain Capital did that they need to be embarrassed about.” (MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” 5/14/12)
BOOKER: “If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a lot to support businesses, to grow businesses.”
· BOOKER: “If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a lot to support businesses, to grow businesses.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press, 5/20/12)
VOICEOVER: “Even Obama’s own supporters have had enough.”
VIDEO TEXT: “Even Obama’s Own Supporters Have Had Enough.”
BOOKER: “It’s nauseating to the American public. Enough is enough.”
· BOOKER: “It’s nauseating to the American public. Enough is enough.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press, 5/20/12)
VIDEO TEXT: “Enough is Enough!”
This is Mitt Romney’s election to lose. He doesn’t seem to want to lose it…
That presser today (I was subjected to in a waiting area) was possibly one of the most incoherent displays by a president that I can remember. O was fuming and fumbling so, the CNBC host felt compelled to summarize afterward, “What he meant to say was–what may be good for a company may not be good for a community.” Huh? Thanks, toots!