#rsrh The general meaning of last night’s Wisconsin recall results.

I am not really that into making a long, involved production out of this post – life goes on, and I have a full day scheduled – so just let me cut to the chase.  If progressives and liberals want to be effective activists, then they need to stop telling themselves that they are the vanguard of a populist movement and start becoming one.  Which they will not wish to do, because it’s a simple truth that the basic principles of progressive and liberal thought are not really a comfortable fit with the mindset and philosophies that this country generally defines as being ‘populist.’

This would bother me, except that it doesn’t.

3 thoughts on “#rsrh The general meaning of last night’s Wisconsin recall results.”

  1. My favorite bit of irony: after fighting tooth and nail to maintain the public sector unions as a cash cow, they’ve settled on “too much money in politics” as the reason they lost that cash cow.

  2. Ah yes, too much money. They are, no doubt, utterly furious with President Obama for breaking his word and foregoing public financing in 2008, and outspending McCain 3-to-1.

    Wait, what’s that? They’re not furious at all about that? Why, I never!

  3. Just read Erik’s post on Redstate and the link to Kos, all I have to say is well done Moe. That post would link up well with the end to Independence Day, the tears of liberals resembling the falling debri of a distrucive enemy (just like the PEUs)

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