#rsrh Unlike Claire McCaskill, I DON’T want Obama campaigning in Missouri.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) Although seeing her out on the shaking tree limb like this is funny.  Anyway, no, I don’t want Obama campaigning in Missouri because we don’t need him there to win Missouri; I’d prefer that he spend time in states where his presence would rebound to a practical benefit for the Republican party.  Like, say, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

And maybe Colorado, depending on whether the administration messes up their disaster reaction response to the wildfires in that state.  Personally, I hope that the administration does not mess that one up – my fellow Americans are having problems over there right now – but if the President brings his reverse-Midas touch to the situation in classic fashion then I am not really required to be too forgiving of the man.

One thought on “#rsrh Unlike Claire McCaskill, I DON’T want Obama campaigning in Missouri.”

  1. “we don’t need him there to win Missouri”
    LOL. The Dems haven’t figured this out, yet. When they do, Obama will only be campaigning on the West coast.

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