#rsrh New Romney-Ryan Ad (That Wrote Itself): “No, I can’t.”

I wonder if the folks over at the RNC and Romney-Ryan and the various super-PACs also ever shake their heads over how easy Barack Obama makes it for them. I mean, it’s like the man has never heard of YouTube. Or just assumed that only Obama’s supporters would have accounts there.


Moe Lane

PS: Mitt Romney for President.

8 thoughts on “#rsrh New Romney-Ryan Ad (That Wrote Itself): “No, I can’t.””

    1. It’s part of the “It’s OK. Everybody makes mistakes. It’s not your fault that the Democrats lied to you in 2008” campaign that the GOP is doing. Hard for me to assess that, as I take pride in the fact that I fought for McCain-Palin until the compound was overrun – but I think that it will help.

  1. Moe: I look like it as part of a Batman Begins ending commercial where Batman tells Ras A Ghul: “I won’t kill you but I don’t have to save you either”. With youth, vote suppression is as good for Romney as winning their vote.

  2. One other thing, this might be the first administration that is so inept – it’s actually hard to put out a coherent narrative. Everytime, you are messaging down one failure; they mess something else up.

  3. Sheesh, between the chilly dismissal of deaths and nuclear annihilation fears–I’m starting to really believe Obama has some sort of psychopathy. Throw in our diplomatic State Dept. telling reporters to f#*k off? The hell?

  4. Being President Obama means never having to say your sorry, for screwing up the country so badly…

    sí, somos incompetentes

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