Two days left on the Deadlands Bundle of Holding.

Deadlands is, for those who don’t know it, Weird West horror (with a side order of steampunk) roleplaying.  So if you’ve ever wanted to play an undead Texas Ranger who clawed yourself out of the grave in order to find and send on to Perdition the no-account bushwhackers who put you there… well, maybe you already have the books.  But, as usual, having the PDFs at essentially 10 – 20% normal price is a pretty dang good deal.  A bunch of these I didn’t have already, even in print.

Check it out.

2 thoughts on “Two days left on the Deadlands Bundle of Holding.”

  1. Sigh. I own physical copies of all of those and I’m still tempted to buy them again.

  2. What is it with people and their fascination of Zombies? First the Dungeon Master for my D&D group did a mission where the party had to fight a bunch of undead (including Zombies), now you’re reading about an undead Texas Ranger…

    Is this a summer thing?

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