The Hill more or less publishes its ‘Democratic candidates in 2016’ list.

Oh, sure, they’re calling calling it “Five figures on the left who could challenge Hillary Clinton,” but let’s face it: Democrats who aren’t on the Left these days are rare, and probably dying of old age. And since Hillary is pretty solid Left herself – socialized medicine is not even remotely conservative – the alternatives are pretty darn Left as well.  Below is the Hill’s list, with my sardonic commentary attached:

  • Hillary Clinton. Pros: Bill Clinton. Cons: Bill Clinton.  Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama.
  • Elizabeth Warren.  Pros: Can make a plausible case that Barack Obama hates her.  Cons: Ever see what happens when a Massachusetts liberal runs for President?  It ain’t pretty.
  • Joe Biden. Pros: He’s the only person on this list that has anything like a personality.  Cons: He’s the only person on this list who can’t run against – or away from – Barack Obama’s legacy.  Plus, you know, Joe Biden.
  • Martin O’Malley. Pros: Hey! He’s a sitting governor. Cons: …I don’t find him interesting enough to be worth despising.  Nobody does. That pretty much includes Maryland Democrats, the average one of whom will readily admit after his or her third drink that the man has the charisma of an empty soda bottle.
  • Bernie Sanders. Pros: He’s as close to a Commie as you can get in this country and still be elected to anything. Cons: He’s as close to a Commie as you can get in this country and still be elected to anything.
  • Russ Feingold. Pros: Of everybody on this list, he’s the only one who hasn’t been burned by Barack Obama’s policies, activities, feuds with Congress, or simple guilt-by-association. Cons: Russ Feingold hasn’t held office since 2010, and has been avoiding running for anything since then.  And the Democrats badly wanted Feingold to run for Governor of Wisconsin.

…And that’s pretty much it.  Much like Republicans in 2008, Democrats in 2016 have no second page of good candidates in reserve.  It’s these people, or nothing.  In fact, looking at that list again you can make a plausible case for showing that in 2016 it’s these people and nothing.  The Democrats picked a heck of a year (2010) to sabotage their state political parties…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

8 thoughts on “The Hill more or less publishes its ‘Democratic candidates in 2016’ list.”

  1. I’d think Feingold was swept out of office for his Obamacare vote. How is that not being burned by the administration?

      1. Really *really* good ground game by Johnson?
        Actually, Feingold had two big problems .. Obamacare, obviously, but also McCain-Feingold. Not saying anyone *understood* McCain-Feingold but .. it got the name out in a negative way.

        1. Perhaps the Democrat lowest-information voters had the impression that McCain-Feingold was the 2008 Republican presidential ticket, and they thought they were voting against a nasty Republican who threatened to take away their free stuff …

  2. I really, really want Fauxcahontas to run. Most of the time. The press would do its best to protect her, unfortunately, and there’s a remote possibility she’d win.

    1. The best thing about Elizabeth Warren being elected a senator from Massachusetts is that it means my Oklahomeland can officially disavow any association with her. The second-best thing about Elizabeth Warren being elected a senator from Massachusetts is that she is now, somehow, a dark-horse possibility for the Democratic nomination. Were I a praying man, I would pray nightly that she got it. She has said and written so many stupid, ill-informed, and half-baked things related to public policy that any well-funded Republican would have all the material s/he needed to eat Warren alive.
      The worst thing about Elizabeth Warren being elected a senator from Massachusetts is that she now has a very large say in matters affecting my life. Thanks, M***holes.

    2. Even the GOP ability to pull defeat from the jaws of victory has its’ limits.
      Admittedly, a Romney/Bush ticket might manage just that ..

    3. … and there’s a remote possibility she’d win.

      In 2007 there was a remote possibility that Barack Obama would be the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee.
      Sudden scary thought: I’ll bet Hillary was sorry she didn’t enlist Obama to be her running mate, early on, before he had a credible opportunity to challenge her. What if she’s learned her lesson and invites Warren to be her veep? A Democrat ticket with two women might be a game-changer. And after the election, well … Hillary’s health isn’t all that good …

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