OK, let us address Vincent Sheheen calling Nikki Haley a ‘wh*re.’

See, this is why we can’t have nice things. Background: Vincent Sheheen, the slowly-drowning Democratic nominee for South Carolina governor, had this to say yesterday about Governor Nikki Haley.


“…and we’re gonna escort wh*re out the door.” Sheheen immediately repeated that as ‘we’re gonna escort her out the door’ (which is not in fact offensive, unless you consider ‘obvious and stupid lies’ to be offensive).  The question is, did Sheheen mean it?

My opinion is: yes, and no.  On the ‘no’ side: the man would be an absolute blithering fool to call his opponent a wh*re in public.  If he had any hopes about actually winning in two weeks, they’re dead now.  There’s no way that deliberately using that slur would help Sheheen.  So that’s the ‘no.’

So what’s the ‘yes?’ …Well, let me put it this way: I doubt that this is the first time Vincent Sheheen has ever expressed that sentiment. It has all the hallmarks of being one of those vicious little bon mots that people say only in carefully controlled, intensely private situations.  Particularly if the speaker is a liberal white male Democrat and the target is a conservative minority female Republican; it is difficult to overstate just how much the Democratic establishment hates politicians that destroy their favorite race- and gender-based narratives.  And let me note this: the first version rolls off the tongue in a way, unfortunately, that the second version does not.  I find it exceedingly difficult to believe that Vincent Sheheen is an unconscious poet.

So, in summary?  Vincent Sheheen probably did not mean to call Nikki Haley a wh*re.  But he most certainly meant it.  And probably has said so, in a more private setting that this one.  And before you tell me that that’s unfair… remember something about that crowd: they ate that line up.

With a spoon.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Nikki Haley for Governor.

4 thoughts on “OK, let us address Vincent Sheheen calling Nikki Haley a ‘wh*re.’”

  1. It was either intentional. In which case, he’s insane.
    Or it was a freudian slip. In which case, he’s consumed by hatred.
    It’s hard to say which one is worse, really.

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