And so it begins.

Oh, this will be fun.

Almost since the start of Barack Obama’s presidency, people who have actual, real duties in the West Wing of the White House—the working, executive part of the government, that is—have been urging him to do something about Valerie Jarrett. Push her into the East Wing, where she can hang out with Michelle Obama and the White House social secretary, or give her an ambassadorship—or something—but for Pete’s sake get her out of the way of the hard work of governing that needs to be done.

Now it’s really time to do it.

I am personally indifferent to Valerie Jarrett’s fate – it’s far too late for her leaving to save this Presidency – but a lot of people are not.  And I suspect that a lot of them went and had a chat with Politico.  It might surprise many of my readers to hear that, in fact, most of the upper political social class of This Town actually somewhat dislike the Obamas: the First Couple doesn’t socialize that much inside the Beltway, barely tolerates the requirements of the cocktail circuit, and generally ignores Washingtonian social niceties*.  And, let me assure you on this: Hell hath no fury like a gentry liberal Georgetown society matron who is on her sixth year of a Democratic Presidential snub.  She can’t do anything about Barack Obama, but Valerie Jarrett?  …Ooh, that may be a different story.

Should be an interesting two years.


Moe Lane

*And here you thought that I’d never say anything nice about Barack Obama.

5 thoughts on “And so it begins.”

  1. Why would you say something nice about Barack Obama? The man isn’t just slime, he’s incompetent slime.

    1. And Valerie Jarrett is his brain. Without her, he’d be playing videogames and watching ESPN all day, with occasional breaks for rounds of golf and visits by Reggie Love.

        1. It’s a rare moment when the interests of the country and the interests of the Democratic party coincide.
          Who’s up for a good defenestration?
          (Not that I think Obama will throw her under the bus. But I could be wrong. And in any case, it’ll be entertaining.)

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