Industrial companies may want to consider fleeing from Washington State.

They’re getting a little… censorious over there over climate traitors and whatnot.

[K.C.] Golden, like [Governor Jay Inslee], argues Washington needs a cap on carbon emissions to provide certainty. That cap, however, is false security and politicians have consistently found ways around the targets when the politics became difficult.

When I pointed this out at the forum, noting that the caps were not politically enforceable, Golden snapped, “How about cap-and-jail?”

In case you’re wondering who a K.C. Golden is, and why should you care: Golden is ‘a member of Governor Inslee’s carbon taskforce,’ to quote the blog post.  He’s also a radical Green fundamentalist, if that wasn’t obvious from the entire GAIA WILL KNOW HER OWN stuff.  Ach, well, the people have spoken in Washington State; and, to quote Ed Koch, now apparently they must be punished. But I’m sure that there’s a whole bunch of states that will be happy to take in whichever industries no longer feel safe in Washington State…

Moe Lane

12 thoughts on “Industrial companies may want to consider fleeing from Washington State.”

          1. We have coastline in Texas. All are welcome, but leave your stupid Democtat voting at the state line.

          2. Not so much Idaho. We’d be happy to have them, but there’s a bit of a vicious cycle going on.
            They won’t move here because we don’t have enough trained machinists to support them.
            And not many people will train to be machinists without the presence of industry that will provide them a job.
            Wyoming has the same problem.
            This was spelled out in giant flaming letters during the great firearms company relocation of recent past. Some of them wanted to come here, and were very clear on why they didn’t.
            Having to ship from railhead to port wasn’t mentioned. Unless they paid a gogad of money for a factory located at the port, they’d have to do that anyway.

        1. Starts with a quarter mil cash and financial assets on hand. *sucks wind*

          My gal’s a Canadian, and the only way we can see to make things work would be spend part of the year on her side of the border and part down here… but that’s still probably more net worth than I’ll see in my lifetime.

  1. Welcome to yet another on the LOOOOONG List of Reason I Hate Living In This KKKommunist KKKleptoKKKratiKKK KKKraphole…

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