Looking for good maritime music? Take advantage of my familial obligations!

So, I told my sister-in-law that I’d put a list together of good albums I own of sea music (shanties, specifically, but other music as well): she has the Pyrates Royale stuff already, but wanted more breadth.  So I put the list together, and then thought… hey, my readers might like a list, too.

So here’s a preliminary list: it is not even remotely inclusive survey on sea music, but I like all the albums on this list.  Between them, they cover a lot of the basics.  Feel free to add your own in comments.

7 thoughts on “Looking for good maritime music? Take advantage of my familial obligations!”

  1. Victory at Sea?

    Does it have to be authentic sea music? What about H.M.S. Pinafore or The Pirates of Penzance?

      1. If you can handle a LOT of swearing, their ‘Live a the End of the World’ DVD is amazing.

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