Just in case you haven’t read the National Review ‘Home Invasion’ article yet…

Go read it. It will make you angry*, but go read it.  It’s about the vicious, underhanded, and frankly undemocratic police-raid crap that Wisconsin Democrats got up to to harass conservatives; and thank God that said Democrats didn’t get anyone killed with their quasi-official Swatting tactics. As I said, it’s very angry-making: but you still need to read it, because you need to know how the Other Side plays this game.

God help us.

Moe Lane

*Although I am reminded of the folk wisdom of my people: Don’t get mad. Get even.

9 thoughts on “Just in case you haven’t read the National Review ‘Home Invasion’ article yet…”

  1. I do have one question… since the R’s control all of WI government at the moment… why is the “jon doe investigation” law still on the books? Is this a WI constitution thing? Can’t they just repeal the damn thing and be done with it?

    1. Yeah, why would they keep the law on the books? Let the Democrats sleep easy in their beds. They can put the law back on the books when they are in power once again. Yes, Heads they win, tales we lose. Perfect!

  2. Huh. My people were more in the way of decapitating those who insulted them, preserving them with lime, and proudly displaying the trophies for generations.
    In this case, it sounds like quite good start. The traditional tar and feathers is not nearly enough.

    1. Vir Cotto: I’d like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I would look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this.
      [gives a mockingly cheerful finger waggle]
      Vir Cotto: Can you and your associates arrange this for me, Mr. Morden?

  3. Scott Walker has state troopers at his disposal. and probably more besides. put everyone involved in jail. try them for everything from assault to kidnapping. he does that and he gets millions of votes.

    1. Bingo–until it’s repealed start using their own weapon of the “John Doe” action against them. Repeatedly.

      They won’t understand what’s wrong with it until it’s done to THEM.

  4. Although I am reminded of the folk wisdom of my people: Don’t get mad. Get even.

    And that is the problem. There is no getting even being done, because the Left knows that absolutely NOTHING will ever happen to them. At the Federal level we have seen with the Secret Service that literally screwing underage hookers on the government dime, furnished by the drug cartels leads to no punishment at all [ok, a couple of weeks off with pay, a reward]. If the SWAT teams had killed someone in Wisconsin, you know, and I know that no one at any level would have been punished.

    Until those who order these things become familiar, not with outraged blog posts; but with a cold knot of fear in their own gut because it is their lives and the lives of their families that are going to be disrupted as a consequence of what they have done, nothing will stop them from doing it again and again. When it is them on the receiving end of a SWAT team, when they are standing before a judge and looking at, not a country club but a real prison for real time, then we may see a start towards restoring the rule of law.

    And if we do not see a return of the rule of law, the “get even” will be an entirely different process.

  5. That article is infuriating, and we should do more then just use Jon Doe against the Left, whoever is the next GOP President should commit to using the DOJ to investigate these twerps ( both the Judge who enabled them, and the prosecutors, down to the uniformed police)

    We should inflict so much pain on the Left that they’ll never do something like this again.
    Conservatives in general need to realize that playing by the rules of comity just means unilateral disarmament, as the Left will never limit themselves by any code of decency.

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