Quote of the Day, Yeah, Sure, Barry: Insult A Potential Ally For No Good Reason edition.

It’s almost admirable, this ass-hattery.

Even when hosting the most ideologically sympathetic pontiff in his lifetime (climate change, Cuba), Mr. Obama cannot restrain himself. He cannot be civil and respectful, searching for common ground. No, he must include on the official guest list of those greeting the Pope at the White House, a transgender activist, an openly gay Episcopal bishop, and a nun who supported Obamacare despite its funding of abortion and contraception.

Not to mention, amazing. It’s like Barack Obama wants to never be able to take full advantage of his position. Or something like that. I understand that people think that President Obama will continue to have influence, once he’s no longer President; but I would note that the effective use of power is a skill. And Barack Obama is remarkably unskilled at anything except shutting up, and letting other people do the work.

8 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, Yeah, Sure, Barry: Insult A Potential Ally For No Good Reason edition.”

  1. This is his way, straight out of Chicago, divide and conquer. Dare his potential audience to object and be “haters.” He is the Troll-in-Chief.

    1. Agreed. He’s shown some ability at being picked to be groomed ..
      As to insulting an ally, if I squint a bit I can see Obama and his fellow travelers thinking that the roman catholic decision to select a liberal pontiff means they’re on the ropes .. not they’re trying to get along.

      1. Do whatever steps you want, if
        You have cleared them with the Pontiff.
        Everybody say his own
        Kyrie eleison,
        Doin’ the Vatican Rag.
        C’mon, you knew this was inevitable.

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