You do gotta feel sorry for the WaPo: they’ve been chasing the macaca for pretty much a decade by now. Why Bezos hasn’t arranged for an intervention is beyond me. Maybe he knew that he was buying a junkie paper that needed a fix, man?
Anyway, via Mediate.
Yesterday @washingtonpost exposed my "criminal" past. Here's what they didn't find… #rubiocrimespree
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) January 23, 2016
You noticed anyone not in that ad? Trump.
Considering Trump’s penchant for litigation, I’m not surprised. Or else, Rubio is figuring on an invitation for the VP spot.
Maybe if we ignore him he’ll go away? Nothing else has worked.
Not a fan, but that was a pretty good ad.
>Why Bezos hasn’t arranged for an intervention is beyond me.
1. He agrees with the Post’s politics?
2. He doesn’t want other business interests attacked by the SJW mob or harassed by the Feds?
3. He wants to sit at the cool kids table?
Imma gonna go with all of the above.
This is very well done. I laughed.
Rubio’s not my first choice – that’d be Cruz – but I would happily vote *for* him instead of *against* Hillary!, as would be the case for me if
the nominee were, say, Jeb! or Trump.
(sorry about that, hit enter by mistake)