OK, Path of Exile. Go/No-go?

It looks interesting, to be sure. And free, too. Anybody playing it?

Moe Lane

PS: If I put the question on Twitter then everybody would have just said yes. I’m looking for… well, not exactly long-winded. But the kind of kind of exposition that makes people feel the need to type out “To make a long story short…”

4 thoughts on “OK, Path of Exile. Go/No-go?”

  1. IMO: It’s okay. Pros- It’s very Free 2 Play. No power leveling. No new gear to buy, just cosmetic stuff. It also has a lot of options available for skills trees, game modes (See how much gold/levels you can get in a certain time, speed running a dungeon etc.) and customization.
    Downside: Its complexity works against it at times. It’s grim dark in the way that Warhammer is. (In that it revels in the grim and grittiness.) The maps are easy to get lost in. And frankly, I always had more fun With D3 than I did with PoE, even back in the Auction House days of that D3.
    Personally, if you’re Jonesing for a Action RPG, I’d either go with Marvel Heroes (Free to play, almost everything can be bought in game and a lot more frantic and blowing stuff up than PoE) or for a few bucks, pick up Titan’s Quest for an older game or for something newer, go with the Van Helsing/Victor Vran games which are more cheesy fun. Wait a week or two for Titan since the Steam summer sale is week after next and it always goes on sale then. Van Helsing’s $4.50 at GoG right now.

      1. Oh, yes! (If I have guessed your gaming style right). Very D2, with a actual solution to the storage problem. Lots of replay value, as you make different builds. That was the problem I had with D3, the characters were not very dynamic. Not an issue with POE. So many, many ways to play. While at the same time something that can be picked up and put down at need. Not a game where you HAVE to keep playing or the Raid will implode……

  2. I’ve played it. It’s a lot of fun. It got me hooked in that Diablo 2 way that nothing else I’ve played has. Titan Quest probably came second.

    Free to play, aggressively so. If you play for long enough you’ll probably want to spend some cash on vault space, though.

    My ancient computer can barely handle the graphics. If you’re playing on a rig set up for Witcher 3 I doubt you’d have problems.

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