Tweet of the Day, A Big-Ass Alligator Deserves No Less edition.

Yup, that’s a real alligator, from the real state of Florida. Which is to say, very very far away from me and I’m all right with that.  I understand that it’s apparently an amiable sort of alligator, seeing as it walked right past a bunch of photographers who seem to have a classic GURPS Horror-style Delusion about how having a camera makes them invulnerable – but what if the alligator changes its mind?

6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, A Big-Ass Alligator Deserves No Less edition.”

  1. Given that these prehistoric death machines can run at 5-7 mph over short distances, the guys lying on the ground wouldn’t have stood a chance if it had decided that it was peckish for long pig.

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