Tweet of the Day, Patience May Be A Virtue… edition.

…but vengeance is a process.


Note the lifespan: somebody waited a long time to get that information on the record.  Unless of course the guy was just being a total jackwagon in the last five years of his life.  Which is possible, but this feels like a grudge that’s been held and handled until it’s all smooth, polished curves.

Moe Lane

PS: Of course I’m assuming that the charges are all true.  Those words were literally carved in stone, and grave markers ain’t cheap.   Whoever commissioned it cared enough to get his or her opinion firmly inscribed in the public record.

One thought on “Tweet of the Day, Patience May Be A Virtue… edition.”

  1. The second stone looks newer…I wonder if the Widow Hopkins waited until her OWN passing to have that added to HIS grave. That must’ve been a fun meeting with her estate-planner, setting THAT up…

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