The Incredibles Honest Trailer.

This is one of their interesting ones.

Why? Because the Honest Trailers people are aware — as they more or less say in their intro — that it can be assumed that their viewers love The Incredibles in much the same way that it can be assumed that their viewers are alive*. They love The Incredibles. It’s easy to critique a movie that has flaws; it’s a hard to critique a movie that’s almost perfect; and it’s an absolute bear to critique a movie that’s almost perfect and is almost universally beloved. I think that they do a good job, though; mostly by pointing out all the subtext that Pixar stuck in under the surface.  Then again, when Pixar’s good at that they’re REALLY good at it.

Moe Lane

*Thank you, Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman.

PS: The Edna thing at the end can be made even darker.  To summarize the theory that was going around:

  • Edna made all of those dead superheroes’ costumes-with-capes (quite a credible possibility).
  • Edna has a precognitive talent (which would explain why the Incredibles’ new suits were so handy, and available in the veritable nick of time).
  • Edna made Syndrome’s suit (makes sense for the character; he’d want the best.  He can afford the best).
  • …Edna made Syndrome’s suit with a cape.


One thought on “The Incredibles Honest Trailer.”

  1. The capes thing makes a lot of sense…I’ve been thinking along those lines for years.

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