Tweet of the Day, Never Get Drunk In This House edition.

No.  Just… no.

I mean, just start writing up now the entry on the angry ghost that will soon be haunting this location.  Just fill out the exact name later.  Seriously, it’s going to be as inevitable as the sunrise.

One thought on “Tweet of the Day, Never Get Drunk In This House edition.”

  1. See, if the stairs were all nicely ordered I could buy it. I would never use them, but I could buy it. But these stairs have 2 problems: first, they are at crossing angles. This means there is a right way and a wrong way to try to walk up them. Also, turning around half-way up looks impossible.

    The other problem is that they seem to have an open void beneath them and aren’t solid. At some point, someone is going to slip down these stairs (probably because they are drunk and tripping on an impressive variety of hallucinogenics, who else would willingly live with those stairs), and slide right down in to the hole at the bottom. The cops will find them 3 days later with their hips in their rib-cage.

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