Faun [600 pt]
Attributes [260]: ST 12 [20], DX 16 [120], IQ 13 [60], HT 16 [60], HP 12, Will 13, Per 13, FP 16, Basic Speed 8
Social Background
TL: 3 [0]
Advantages [276]: Animal Empathy [5], Catfall [10], Claws (Blunt Claws) [3], Combat Reflexes [15], Jumper (World) (Cannot Escort; Cannot Follow; Drift; Interplanar (can only reach higher planes); Naked; New Worlds) [75], Magery (4) [40], Magery 0 [5], Mana Enhancer (1) [50], Silence (3) [15], Social Regard (Feared) (1) [5], Spirit Empathy [10], Striker (Crushing) (Horns) (Limited Arc) [3], Super Jump (1) [10], Trained By A Master [30]
Perks [3]: Improvised Weapons (Karate) [1], Style Familiarity (Savate) [1], Technique Mastery (Kicking) [1]
Disadvantages [-100]: Bully (12 or less) [-10], Enemy (Hunters) (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human) (9 or less) [-30], Loner (12 or less) [-5], Low TL (-5) [-25], Unnatural Feature (Faun-looking) (-5) [-5], Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]
Quirks [-5]: Alcohol Intolerance [-1], Careful [-1], Chauvinistic [-1], Dislikes Other mages [-1], Obsession (Escape) [-1]
Packages [0]: Hedge Wizard (Fantasy) [0], Savate (Martial Arts) [0]
Skills [70]: Acrobatic Stand (Acrobatics) Tech/A – 12 [2], Acrobatics DX/H – DX+0 16 [4], Alchemy/TL3 IQ/VH – IQ+0 13 [8], Area Knowledge (town/village) IQ/E – IQ+0 13 [1], Back Kick, (Karate) Tech/H – 12 [0], Drop Kick (Wrestling) Tech/H – 15 [2], Feint (Karate) Tech/H – 16 [0], Flying Jump Kick (Karate) Tech/H – 12 [4], Flying Leap IQ/H – IQ+0 13 [4], Gesture IQ/E – IQ+1 14 [2], Hammer Fist (Karate) Tech/A – 16 [1], Hazardous Materials/TL3 (Magic) IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Head Butt (Karate) Tech/H – 16 [2], Hidden Lore (The Multiverse) IQ/A – IQ+0 13 [2], Interrogation IQ/A – IQ-1 12 [1], Jump Kick (Karate) Tech/H – 12 [0], Jumping DX/E – DX+0 16 [1], Karate DX/H – DX+0 16 [4], Kicking (Karate) Tech/H – 16 [3], Lethal Kick (Karate) Tech/H – 12 [0], Naturalist (Earth) IQ/H – IQ-1 12 [2], Navigation/TL3 (Land) IQ/A – IQ+0 13 [2], Occultism IQ/A – IQ+1 14 [4], Power Blow Will/H – Will+0 13 [4], Roll with Blow (Karate) Tech/H – 14 [0], Shortsword DX/A – DX+0 16 [2], Smallsword DX/A – DX+0 16 [2], Spinning Kick (Karate) Tech/H – 14 [2], Springing Attack (Karate) Tech/H – 14 [0], Staff DX/A – DX-1 15 [1], Stealth DX/A – DX+0 16 [2], Teaching IQ/A – IQ+0 13 [2], Thaumatology IQ/VH – IQ+1 14 [1]*, Whip DX/A – DX+0 16 [2], Wrestling DX/A – DX+0 16 [2]
*Includes: +4 from ‘Magery’
Spells [96]: Berserker IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Bravery IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Charm IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Clumsiness IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Daze IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Drunkenness IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Dull Hearing IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Dull Vision IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Dullness IQ/VH – IQ+2 15 [2], Emotion Control IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Enslave IQ/VH – IQ+7 20 [20], False Memory IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Fascinate IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Fear IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Foolishness IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Forgetfulness IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Great Hallucination IQ/VH – IQ+2 15 [2], Hallucination IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Itch IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Lend Energy IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Lend Vitality IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Loyalty IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Madness IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Major Healing IQ/VH – IQ+5 18 [12], Mass Sleep IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Mass Suggestion IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Mind-Reading IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Mind-Sending IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Mindlessness IQ/VH – IQ+2 15 [2], Minor Healing IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Panic IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Permanent Madness IQ/VH – IQ+2 15 [2], Recover Energy IQ/H – IQ+7 20 [16], Regeneration IQ/VH – IQ+2 15 [2], Restoration IQ/VH – IQ+2 15 [2], Sense Emotion IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Sense Foes IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Sickness IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Sleep IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Spasm IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Suggestion IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Telepathy IQ/VH – IQ+2 15 [2], Terror IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1], Truthsayer IQ/H – IQ+2 15 [1]
Stats [260] Ads [276] Disads [-100] Quirks [-5] Skills [70] Spells [96] = Total [600]
Faun is a creature on the run. He comes from an unpleasant magical universe which considers altruism and generosity to be odd little quirks that should only be indulged in when the work of the day has been well and truly done; those without power serve those with power, who themselves serve those with more power still. This is the way of things.
And Faun had no objections to this system, as he was a magical creature who was also a competent mind-mage. This made him a quite useful specialist-interrogator, and while he never got his own hands physically dirty Faun was always happy to go mucking about in other people’s minds for either work, or pleasure. It was not an obscenely powerful position to be in, but Faun enjoyed it and the perks that came with it. Unfortunately for Faun, a magical scan revealed that he was in possession of an unique ability: he had the potential to visit other planes of existence. That immediately transformed him from a respected professional to be cultivated to an interesting research subject to be fought over, and possibly vivisected. Faun decided to flee before that could happen.
He has, of course, popped into the PCs campaign world, and what happens next depends on conditions there. Faun’s innate magical abilities will allow him to cast spells (and possibly more importantly, brew alchemical elixirs) even in no-mana areas, but he’ll be much more likely to use his martial arts and innate abilities to defend himself. In normal mana (or superhero) worlds, Faun will rely more on his magic. In high-mana worlds, Faun becomes an active danger to everyone around him; if he fails a spell roll, the results could be disastrous.
Note that in every world Faun is being chased by a squad of mage-hunters trying to capture (or kill, then magically preserve his body) Faun to bring him back to their home dimension. They’ll likely be more prepared than he is, so they’ll know the basics of the local language; on no-mana worlds they’ll be using experimental sorcerous items that will turn out to be hazardous to the local landscape. The hunters won’t care; they aren’t planning to stay long. And if they can get away with taking souvenirs (including sapient ones), they will.
There is little to choose from between Faun and his hunters. Once Faun arrives at the world, his first steps will be to steal clothing, steal food, learn the language, and start building up his resources (i.e., buying off Dead Broke). After that, his next goal will be to throw off his pursuers (buying off Enemy) and adapt to his new world (buying off Low TL). After that, he’ll start building a criminal empire. Faun doesn’t really have the right attitude for being a mob boss, but he can go back to being a well-compensated specialist with nary a qualm.
Note that, should things get too hot for Faun, he’ll simply jump to a new world. He’ll probably also try to at least set on fire wherever it was he jumped from, first. Faun’s not a sociopath, so he wouldn’t burn down an orphanage or something to cover his tracks; but he’s precisely the sort of person who would, while fleeing and just on general principles, leave behind a hand grenade with the pin pulled. The players would be well-advised not to trust Faun in the slightest.
450 pt version: Reduce ST to 10 [-20], DX to 13 [-60], HT to 12 [-40], Silence to 1 [-10]. Remove Catfall [-10] and Super Leap [-10]. Reduce skill levels accordingly.
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