My immediate reaction to the entire Scorsese/MCU kerfuffle.

And, honestly: it should have been yours.

Well, more seriously: good God, let the man have his tastes. So Martin Scorsese doesn’t like MCU flicks? Well, it’s a free country. I don’t like alternate history novels written by mainstream authors who think that they can write genre fiction (they can’t), and the world accommodates me — so we can all leave Scorsese be, too.

4 thoughts on “My immediate reaction to the entire Scorsese/MCU kerfuffle.”

  1. .. I’m fine leaving Scorsese alone … it’s the ‘fans’ who somehow transmogrify Scorseses’ taste into a “rule” or “edict”, then use it to justify showing their derrieres …
    Using one old mans’ taste as a justification for claiming others are having wrongfun is .. just not copacetic.

  2. I’m reminded of what JRR Tolkien had to say about negative views and reviews of Lord of the Rings:

    “Some who have read the book, or at any rate have reviewed it, have found it boring, absurd, or contemptible; and I have no cause to complain, since I have similar opinions of their works, or of the kinds of writing that they evidently prefer.”

    I’ve never seen any of Scorsese’s movies, and I don’t intend to, since I expect I’d have the same view of his movies that he has of MCU movies.

    … and yes, I had a copy of Fellowship of the Ring sitting within reach of me here on the couch that I could grab to get that quote from the foreword. I didn’t grab the name Finrod all these years ago out of thin air, you know.

    1. I’ve seen a few, they’re frequently derivative of each other. The Wolf of Wall Street is just a remake of Goodfellas, with a little less gunplay.

      However, take a chance on After Hours. It’s a hoot.

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