If I didn’t solicit you for a post here, I don’t want you to try to get me to post it anyway.

I don’t ask other people to give me content in the form of posts, either. Also: if I have no idea who you are, then I default to not caring about the post that you wrote that is a ‘perfect’ complement something that I wrote (and don’t remember) six years ago. So stop spamming my inbox, dammit.

That’s all.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m not mad at any of my readers. None of you did anything wrong. And, sure, tell me about cool stuff. I’m just tired of spammers.

6 thoughts on “If I didn’t solicit you for a post here, I don’t want you to try to get me to post it anyway.”

  1. OK, who signed our host up for the Swedish-made penis enlarger pump “that’s my bag, baby” mailing list?

  2. I get these from time to time at IB.
    Unless they’re particularly egregious, I usually just thank them and tell them that we accept no unsolicited material, and wish them luck.
    And then block them.

  3. Spammers don’t care what you want. The unsubscribe button does nothing, and there’s no such thing as a do not call list.


    Ignore them when possible, block them if you can, make their time dealing with you as fruitless as possible whenever the opportunity arises.

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