FROZEN DREAMS now 50% in the Smashwords Summer sale!

This is an experiment: I’m trying to figure out how Smashwords works, and it’s pretty much where people have to go if they want to get FROZEN DREAMS in epub. So, for the next week: it’s a buck-fifty there! I think that this is a safe enough gambit, since I’m not selling any epubs right now anyway.

Although I get the feeling that, really, the ultimate answer to all of this advertising stuff is ‘publish more books.’ Which takes time. It’s not so much the writing of ’em; it’s everything else. I didn’t realize just how much on a schedule I’d be on when I was handing off jobs like editing or art to a third party. I now understand why other writers will often lament that they need an assistant.

Moe Lane

PS: Interestingly, I think that reviews at places like Goodreads end up getting me more sales than my direct links to Amazon. At least, I’m not seeing that much affiliate traffic for FROZEN DREAMS that way. This process is a very elaborate mechanism that I only guardedly claim to understand, and that only in the broad strokes.