Back to editing Frozen Dreams.

Chapter 11 of FROZEN DREAMS is revised. I’m going to try my damnedest to get it all into first-draft status by the end of the year, then spend January getting it up to 80K words. At that point, it’ll be ready for people to look at, and try to possibly sell. I suspect that this is going to end up on the self-published track, though.

But that’s OK. I have plans. Which I’m mentioning here as an unsubtle way to encourage me to follow them.

And that’s the goram chapter for Frozen Dreams done.

At 57K and change words, Frozen Dreams is below what I wanted, but I can probably build it up a little here and there anyway.  I’m still not done reviewing the final pieces, at that.  But one step at a time. At least I got the chapter out. It’s kind of crud, but at least it’s not ‘write something here’ crud.

Frozen Dreams update: still hacking out that chapter.

It’s going a bit better now, although I have other deadlines looming.  Including a game session in two days.  End of month is always crunch time for me; I’d feel worse about that, except that I’ve been legitimately busy, the last few months. I figure that Frozen Dreams will still be ready to be showed around by the end of the month, and that’s the important thing.