I’m pretty sure that @barackobama didn’t want to evoke George McGovern, here.

See for yourself.  Here’s Obama’s  “Closing (negative) argument“:

…annnnnnnd here’s McGovern’s frantic begging.

The similarities, while not one-t0-one, are too great to simply ignore.  Including the most damning one: both Obama and McGovern, after a certain point in their respective elections, seemed to have tacitly accepted that they were losing.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane

PS: Expand the map.

#rsrh Definition of ‘silly.’

No, it’s not offering political advice when you’re somebody who got shellacked 520 to 17 in the Electoral College running against a post-Watergate Richard Nixon.  No, it’s expecting anybody to take that advice.

Moe Lane

PS: Sorry, let me summarize the article:  Reagan ungood! Bush-Cheney doubleplusungood! Afghanistan scary! Elect Democrats!  This, I command!

Sorry.  It’s just that… have you ever noticed that, once Republican Presidents and Presidential candidates are done, they tend to go home and stop nagging people?  Which is something that you don’t see too much with Democratic ones: Clinton’s not so bad, but ye gods and little fishes, you’d think that McGovern, Carter, Mondale, and Gore would have taken the hint that we didn’t want them running things any more.