CD Projekt Red will be releasing a Gwent card game.

This is cool . Via HeartbreakRidge:


For those who are unfamiliar, gwent is the in-game collectible card game for Witcher: Wild Hunt.  It was and is addictive; it was also genuinely clever as a CCG. Basically, you get dealt ten cards. You have to win two out of three matches against your opponent, with only those cards; and cards used during a match are discarded going forward*. It’s a perfectly valid strategy to lose one of the three matches, if you think that you can get your opponent to waste his best cards; there’s definite strategic thinking, there.  Plus, since you had to build the deck actually finding all the good** gwent cards meant that you had to explore the entire map and talk to all of the important NPCs, which was a good way to encourage people to progress in the story. Continue reading CD Projekt Red will be releasing a Gwent card game.

I gotta admit: I like the way Projekt Red does DLC.

Telling you ahead of time and with some specificity that there’s going to be a bunch of free DLC, then releasing it regularly, seems to work pretty well.  It’s not earth-shattering stuff (armor sets and new missions and some cosmetic stuff), but it makes you feel like the company’s paying attention to the game, and isn’t sourly wishing that you’d stop playing it and buy one of their new games.  I also don’t mind the prospect of paying for meatier DLC later, this way. Mostly because I’m more likely to believe that it will be meatier.

So, hey, good job there, Projekt Red. Hey, look! Free advertising, too!