Obama embraces torture.

[UPDATE, 05/08/2009] Welcome, Instapundit readers. I went into the Pelosi thing somewhat more bluntly here.

I told you.

I damned well told you.

Rendition is back, you pro-torturing, posturing, hypocritical Leftist fools:

Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool
The role of the CIA’s controversial prisoner-transfer program may expand, intelligence experts say.

Under executive orders issued by Obama recently, the CIA still has authority to carry out what are known as renditions, secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the United States.

Current and former U.S. intelligence officials said that the rendition program might be poised to play an expanded role going forward because it was the main remaining mechanism — aside from Predator missile strikes — for taking suspected terrorists off the street.

The rendition program became a source of embarrassment for the CIA, and a target of international scorn, as details emerged in recent years of botched captures, mistaken identities and allegations that prisoners were turned over to countries where they were tortured.


But the Obama administration appears to have determined that the rendition program was one component of the Bush administration’s war on terrorism that it could not afford to discard.

And when I say “back” I mean that it’s going to become the damned default option for detainees.  You howled when we tried to go with an unlawful detainee designation to handle these cases; you shrieked when we set up Gitmo;  and you’d whine if we shot them out of hand.  The only thing left is to hand these sons of bitches over to countries without our Bill of Rights and hope that this is enough.

There’s a big hole in the ground in Manhattan that says that it won’t be.  But back to the matter at hand:

  • Mark Kleiman.  Obama supporter? Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • Andrew Sullivan.  Obama supporter?  Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • Hillary* Bok.  Obama supporter?  Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • Glenn Greenwald.  Obama supporter?  Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • Kevin Drum.  Obama supporter?  Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • Duncan Black.  Obama supporter?  Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • Markos Moulitsas.  Obama supporter?  Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • Jerome Armstrong.  Obama supporter?  Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • Matt Stoller.  Obama supporter?  Then you are now officially pro-torture.
  • All the damned rest of you on the Online Left.  Every single one of you who supported Obama.  You are now officially pro-torture.

Remember that when – not “if”; “when” – we get the first stories of somebody handed off to… probably Libya, at this rate; it’s precisely the sort of stupid choice you’d see from too-self-aware-of-their-own-smartness people – and wired up to a car battery.  You voted for this.  You made this happen.  You were the change that you believed in.  You were warned.

And I’ll sleep like a baby.  That’s because I voted for the other guy.

Moe Lane

PS: You may take my refusal to link to the above sites as the calculated insult that it is.

Crossposted at RedState.

*I had it pointed out that the name was wrong.  Silly me.

31 thoughts on “Obama embraces torture.”

  1. I really look forward to watching the Left wiggle and squirm. Unless they are completely depraved inside, they will know the depths of their hypocrisy. I hope it costs them many hours of sleep and loss of self-esteem. Unfortunately, I fear it will cost lives before this is over.

    BTW, just to ruin your day, I liked the old background better. This one, while prettier in a nancy sort of way, is also harder on the eyes while reading the text. I read your post on background difficulties. I’m sure it is hard.

    I stumbled across your site about a week ago (from AOSHq?, not sure) and have been really enjoying it. Keep up the great work.

  2. It doesn’t *ruin* my day: I appreciate the feedback. The real problem is that the background that I want for it turned out not to be public domain, and until the artist gets back to me I don’t want to use it.

  3. Pingback: Chapomatic
  4. The left won’t care. They were NEVER anti-torture. See all the stuff they wanted to do to Bush. No, they were simply anti-Bush.

    The typical lefty would happily torture any Republican to death. Kind of interesting, since this is how Pohl Pot and Lenin got started.

    Obama Snoze, Kentucky Froze.

  5. I love you in that hetero way for posting this and making fun of these people. I’ll even give you the last beer.

  6. Your argument is fallacious. Just because I supported Obama doesn’t mean I supported all of his policies.

  7. “Just because I supported Obama doesn’t mean I supported all of his policies.”

    Actually, this comes under the “You Broke It, You Bought It” rule.

    Your only hope is to ignore all the Obama policies you *do* support (how do feel about violating the bankruptcy laws and screwing the widows and orphans whose future is dependent on their investments in those ‘hedge funds’ that Obama has decided, arbitrarily, have no rights?) and *vigorously and vocally* (and constantly) denounce Obama foe his rendition policy. Otherwise you do, too, support it, you hypocrite!

  8. “I liked the old background better. This one, while prettier in a nancy sort of way, is also harder on the eyes while reading the text.”

    That opinion above, on how the comments appear, is correct. The words on your blog itself come up in a thin-stemmed face that is also sans-serif. Both are elements generally considered not conducive to the best legibility.

    I notice also that as I type this comment, it displays in a monospaced typewriter face. But as long as you’re converting it to some other face anyway, why not consider one that’s–honestly–easier to read? Times New Roman is one such, but by no means the only one.

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