…on the sidebar, I guess that I’ll have to load my own.
We’ll start off by replacing the Kindle 2: Amazon’s New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation) ad with Momfidence!: An Oreo Never Killed Anybody and Other Secrets of Happier Parenting, which was an absolute sanity-saver when I read it during my wife’s pregnancy. It’s an excellent antidote to Overeager Parent Syndrome, and I think that anybody with kids or expecting them should read it.
I can also recommend Pregnancy Sucks For Men: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You BOTH Miserable, which was likewise a lifesaver. I never read its “prequel” Pregnancy Sucks: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You Miserable, for fairly obvious reasons…
Hey thanks for the cameo! Glad the book helped!
No problem, and it did. The quotes of absurd parenting advice from the books that started each chapter were a nice touch, by the way. 🙂