Because you have to revisit the classics every so often.
5 thoughts on ““An 8-Bit Reenactment of Dungeons and Dragons””
Ah yes, that recording.
It’s kind of bittersweet to me. On one hand, it shows how most of the world sees D&D and gaming. On the other, it hits so clos to home.
Doesn’t your SO game?
No, she dosen’t.
Oh, sorry.
Well, you’re still light years ahead compared to these guys.
Well, the good thing is I don’t have to worry about killing her PC.
PS I was asked to run Paranoia XP my my group. >:)
Ah yes, that recording.
It’s kind of bittersweet to me. On one hand, it shows how most of the world sees D&D and gaming. On the other, it hits so clos to home.
Doesn’t your SO game?
No, she dosen’t.
Oh, sorry.
Well, you’re still light years ahead compared to these guys.
Well, the good thing is I don’t have to worry about killing her PC.
PS I was asked to run Paranoia XP my my group. >:)