8 thoughts on ““He’s wearing Hooker Boots!””

  1. I’m so proud I could just bust!

    How the hell are you, Moe? Have you gotten tired of serious political blogging yet?

  2. I’m good: got a kid now, staying at home to raise him, generally raising hell generally, and no, not tired of serious political blogging. Obviously. 🙂

  3. Congratulations, Moe!

    Parenthood is kind of a semi-perspective vortex. Not Total, mind you; that would drive you insane. But still, you wind up having to think of someone else nearly all the time.

    Or, possibly, two or three someone elses.

    Parenthood will make you a better person, much like other really, really painful things.

  4. You know, I think I saw Zardoz a long time ago. I think those brain cells sequestered themselves and voluntarily suicided long ago, but the ponytailed Connery in hooker boots and an orange diaper…that should never die. That should be a warning to all cheesy movie buffs everywhere that yes, there can be a cheese too far, and this here is it.

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