Just to get into the spirit of the thing, I had somebody translate my post on the subject into something perhaps a bit more fitting for the mood.
“Barack Obama, il leader statunitense, oggi licenzia Richard Wagoner, il direttore del colosso automobilistico General Motors. Il funzionario Steven Rattner, del comitato ministeriale Gruppo Autoindustria, e’ impegnato con la sopravvista della GM. Assistente al Rattner sara’ Fritz Henderson, finora un manager a GM, da oggi il direttore.
Secondo il Sig. Obama, la crisi economica necessita che gli impiegati della GM dovranno subirsi a “sacrifizi.” Il Duce degli Stati Uniti ha promesso un avvenire piu’ favorevole per i lavoratori, e giustizia sociale per tutti.”
Crossposted to RedState.
Very clever. I don’t read Italian, but the few words I do clearly make out (plus the very fact that you’re putting this whole thing into Italian in the first place) rather telegraphs your intention. That “Il Duce” tag at the end is a nice bit of frosting on the cupcake.
However, Moe, you’re being too reserved here. You really need to find someone who can translate into North Korean.
Nah, Obama’s a progressive, which is way more fascist than communist.