That is the summation of a review of Che by a Lefty blogger: apparently, the directors decided to make a movie about a mass-murdering, gun-toting psychopath without even at least giving the audience the courtesy of large amounts of automatic weapons fire.
See Libertarian Republican for more, plus the link: I found said Lefty’s blogger’s blog title sufficiently distasteful to omit the direct link.
Moe Lane
I always like seeing the kids run around with their Che t-shirts, though: it’s a useful way to sort through the drones who only think that they’re being beautiful and unique snowflakes. You want to be edgy and trangrsessive? Try wearing this one
on campus and tell us how you do.
Crossposted to RedState.
So where is the blame going to be cast for the failure of this movie? Right now, I think it’s going to be “the average American is not ready for a movie of this level of greatness.” Of course, the VRWC or the Jews that control Hollywood are safe bets with something like this as well.
And I cannot even beging describing how warm my dark little heart is after reading that linked journal.
Personally I like wearing this t-shirt on college campuses even better than the “Reagan Revolution” t: