…(“Did We Elect Borat President?“) as I’ve never actually watched Borat.
Because it looked stupid, that’s why. And not Death Race 2000 stupid, either. I begrudge spending money on watching something stupid.
Moe Lane
But hey, if you want me to correct my error by having me rent it, or something…
Crossposted to RedState.
I like Death Race 2000. It’s good campy fun, and how can you not like a movie with Sylvester Stallone before be became Rocky? (Machine Gun Joe Viterbo: loved by thousands, hated by millions!)
Heck, in terms of modern violent movies, I imagine if it was rated today, it might only get a PG-13. And, it spawned one of the first video games to ever be banned!
Hey, I’m not trying to malign DR2000: I loved that movie myself. But plausible it ain’t. 🙂
To be fair, you are not missing much. Just Cohen acting like an American-basing, bile-filled, Euro-liberal, trying to catch Americans with “gotcha”. Oh, and gratuitous full-frontal male nudity.
If you are wanting to waste your money to rent it, I suggest setting some additional money aside for an eye-removal afterwards. You may not need it, but (if you are like me) you will certainly want it.