Personally, I can’t wait to hear how anonymous revelations don’t matter when they’re not advantageous to Democrats not involving endangering American troops through the revelation of national security secrets not suitable for use in an election against a Republican …well, I’m sure the Online Left will find a suitably plausible-sounding rationalization, even if it’s only plausible to them;
New Allegations Of White House Threats Over Chrysler
Creditors to Chrysler describe negotiations with the company and the Obama administration as “a farce,” saying the administration was bent on forcing their hands using hardball tactics and threats.
Conversations with administration officials left them expecting that they would be politically targeted, two participants in the negotiations said.
Although the focus has so been on allegations that the White House threatened Perella Weinberg, sources familiar with the matter say that other firms felt they were threatened as well. None of the sources would agree to speak except on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of political repercussions.
See Ace of Spades HQ, who’s already guessing which pushback will be used against this one; and Ed Morrissey, who’s having fun with the ‘madman theory’ thing. For my part, I’m actually a little surprised. I knew that the current President is woefully inexperienced – and not a little petulant – when it comes to dealing with people who don’t already love him, but surely he must have realized that things like this always come out in the end, yes?
Possibly not; there’s a certain laziness that can be reasonably attributed to the Obama administration, and it’s precisely the sort that you associate with reasonably bright people with a too-healthy appreciation of their own virtues. From bad vetting of executive positions to consistently slapdash efforts in the basics of international protocol to generally thoughtless exercising of political power, the White House has already demonstrated that they just don’t think things through often enough before they do them. It shouldn’t be too surprising that this heedlessness might extend to behaviors that are bit more ethically… tricky.
Of course, the people who need to be told this most are also the people with the largest possible stake in continuing to believe that they didn’t make a rather amusing mistake last November, so expect a whole lot of rationalizing out there. Coupled, as usual, with a healthy dollop of hysterical shrieking.
Moe Lane
Crossposted to RedState.