I’ve mentioned it before.
Anyway, it’s telling about the quality of the recent Star Trek movie that there’s been a number of people wondering how this version of the crew is going to handle meeting Khan. I’d actually prefer that they don’t – watch Space Seed again, then Wrath of Khan
, and tell me how you can fairly expect somebody to live up to Ricardo Montalban – but it tells you something that the fans have relaxed about the entire prospect.
Me, I want to see how they handle Mirror, Mirror. I have high expectations for Simon Pegg’s performance in that one.
I had the same thought about casting Khan. Then I thought that Antonio Banderas could possibly actually pull that off. He’s certainly dashing and flamboyant enough. Then again, Montalban had to ham it up a little because he was playing opposite Shatner. Who know’s what they’d expect out of the new cast.
But, I’m also hoping that they don’t just go remaking old movies/episodes into new movies. As problematic as the finer points of the plot were, I think that ditching the time travel stuff should lead to some very good original stories.