The Moe Lane ‘Command Center’ (With Unbearable Cuteness!)

Since Neil Stevens over at RS did his Command Center post a few days back, I figured that I’d do the same. Behold:



…yeah.  Hold on; I swear, it gets better.

First off, let’s make it more accurate:


Because it’s all on the dresser on the other side of the room, that’s why.  Anyway, and more importantly, there’s a key element to the Moe Lane Command Center:


Child labor.


From post writing…


…to comment moderation…


..and now, YouTube video editing; it’s all done by a two-year old.  Just as you’ve always suspected.


Fear his wrath.

Moe Lane

PS: He doesn’t even get paid!  Then again, neither do I.

5 thoughts on “The Moe Lane ‘Command Center’ (With Unbearable Cuteness!)”

  1. Moe, when did you adopt a child? Because even though there is a certain resemblance, that kid brings so much cute he can’t possibly be yours.

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