I have anger in my heart towards the movie Beartooth.

Beartooth was a movie that my grandmother-in-law wanted to watch Saturday night. This was actually acceptable, as none of us had seen it and this was what was on the cover:


So. Snarling bears. Winter storms. A conflict. This sounded promising, or at least tolerable.

It was a lie. A cruel, cruel lie. Below the fold is a reconstruction of the greatest single conflict in the movie:


A badger attempted to steal the protagonist’s water bucket.

I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. The review for this monstrosity over at the Amazon.com site is as succinct and accurate (if, perhaps, not perfectly spelled) evisceration of this film as any that I have ever seen. Let me put it this way: I resented not being able to blog about this in real-time more than I resented not being able to blog about Van Jones.

It was that bad.

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