…thankfully, it’s just their Top 10 ‘geek’ movie list for the last decade.
Although not completely: I’d swap out Casino Royale for Iron Man
– or, more accurately, replace Gladiator
with it. Oh, and remove Wall-E
and replace it with All Those Goddamn Spectacular Pixar Films
. The others are dealer’s choice, and not worth fussing over, as long as you see them. It’s a good list, in other words; one way that you can tell is that I watched all but one of those films, at least half of them in theaters – and liked all the ones that I saw*.
Moe Lane
*With the partial exception of Gladiator. But that was because the first five minutes made me realize that what I really, really wanted to watch was an epic movie about Roman legionary warfare. Not quite the movie’s fault, and such is life.